I just wanted to give another vote to lighting playing a role in bubble tips. I recently acquired an RBTA from a fellow reefer who had his original clone. He had his in a 75g tank with 2x175w MH. I moved him into my 20g with 250w HQI and man... the bubble tips are beautiful. It's not always bubbly, it seems around mid-day it will bubble up very nicely. Also, acquired a very small GBTA clone a few months back. No signs of bubble tips in previous owners tank, or in mine at first...after a day or two under 250w HQI , it now has bubble tips every day.
Just an observation more than anything. I really do believe intense lighting will cause a bubble tip to actually bubble up. Maybe as you mentioned Tony, a lighting change is what causes bubble tips, and perhaps in time both BTA's will lose their bubble tips.. who knows...
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50