Help Needed
I just sold my house and will have to move out around 3rd week of March.
My new house will not be ready until may be sometime in April, 2007 or middle of May, 2007.
I have a 175 Gallons Tank with about 40 lbs of Live Rock, 40 gallons of sump, some live stocks.
I need to tear down my tank move into storage, and send my live stocks and live rocks for may be 2 months of fish sitting.
I did contact the LFS and one told me to call back around the time to see any room avaliable for the fish sitting, one has not response me yet and the other told me to get rid of the fish.
Any suggestions?
I will pay for the services.
Last edited by topcatz; 02-11-2007 at 01:21 AM.