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Old 02-06-2007, 05:21 PM
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Default Beckett

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Sigh ... sounds interesting but I really wish they could be more descriptive than "I sealed it and then drilled holes in it". Or at least have the decency to post a picture of the modification for those that are like me (i.e., only semi-DIY competent) and can't picture what they're talking about without a visual.
Tony, read into the 4 to 6 pages and they have some pics.

Originally Posted by Jason McK View Post
I have heard of this but can never find it. Can you find a link.
Chin, are you going to get a second injector? Were are you going to get it?
I need to find that Canadian tire nozzle too... haven't seen it locally

Jason i have some extra beckett heads lying around and some injector assemblies already. I'm looking to decrease the length of my smaller riser and add 11 inch to the main riser. then i might add a second injector if this mod gives better performance at slightly lower psi from a md-70rlt. I'll see.
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