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Old 02-05-2007, 11:09 PM
Osiris Osiris is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Edmonton(Westend)
Posts: 25
Osiris is on a distinguished road

I have purchased before and was very happy with the prices and the quality of the things I bought. I would be more then willing to pay more, the prices are still way less then other places. The one thing is that as you said now days you never know who you can trust, but an envolope can be put in a pocket. A stereo or a big screen TV well they don't fit into your pants. As for what the Police said.. well i think being an honest tax payer they should have persued it anyways, not everyone can afford to just have it go missing, and you were ripped off. Don't get me wrong I have the Utmost respect for yourself and the service you provide in trying to make reef and saltwater keeping more affordable for everyone.

As for the person who did this i hope that they feel guilty for what they have done and hope they rott in hell.

UMM my 2 bits
120 Gallon Freshwater, 65 gallon salt with 33gal sump/fuge , African rainbow land crab