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Old 02-05-2007, 04:01 AM
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Originally Posted by SJSobczyk View Post
I highly disagree with this statement. As a business owner we do not markup our products to include a "theft" tax. We markup our products to cover our bottom line, and make a couple bucks as well. If something is stolen, then it is our responsibility to secure our items more, and not pass that loss on to other customers by charging more.
It find it hard to believe that as a business owner you fail to see how stolen goods affect your bottom line. Like you say, you have the responsibilty to secure your items. Ok, so lets look at that. You install cameras, maybe hire a few more people so your retail space is covered. Now you have incured higher costs, and now you must raise your prices in order to compensate for the additional costs.

Call it whatever you want, either way your adding a cost to your product so that you can be successful.

I conceed that as a small business owner, they may want to absorb the costs because their products have such a small margin for profit as it is. And by adding an additional cost will alienate some customers, but I certainly challenge you to find a large or medium retail outlet such as Walmart, and tell me they do not take into consideration theft and damages for that matter, and add that to their markup prices.

Sucks to be a small business in this sense.