Originally Posted by Fish
According to a list of latin phrases:
"fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt" means
"as a rule, men willingly believe that which they wish to"
"People believe what they wish to be true, even if it isn't." Attributed to Julius Caesar
Hey, I only know as much about this hobby as the next guy (less actually) but I have done a fair amount of research and the suggestion to let your water 'cure' for 24 hours before adding it to the tank seems to be a little more than just superstition or something I wish to be true.
It is recommended in numerous FAQ's and threads:
Also, I have personally observed different refractometer readings from the same bucket of saltwater from when it was mixed to several hours later.
Finally, that white cloud of newly mixed water added to the tank, doesn't look like it would be a lot of fun to 'breath' if you happen to be a sensitive marine animal.
I'm not suggesting that you can't or shouldn't add freshly mixed salt - I merely shared my experience with Clair and she can take it for what it's worth (if anything).
- Chad
Oops the translation part didn't go through...didn't notice sorry. I can write latin but speaking it

well I can't roll n R worth a damn. Anyways I don't agree with the even if it isn't part. All i meant was people can tell peopl whatever they want and until they find out for themselves they will believe what they want. I have done both mix right away and dump as well as condition the water for a few days. In my experience it makes no difference or little at the most. Anyways did not mean for my message to be taken the wrong way or anything so no hard feelings..if there were any in the first place.
Now if someone could help me with my Russian.....damn it