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Old 02-03-2007, 11:08 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Calgary
Posts: 135
vertex is on a distinguished road


My experience with my RBTAs is that all 5 clones I've had wander to find a spot where they can sink there foot into a crevase or hole in the side or underneath a rock and then expand out from it. None of mine have every left there crevase once settled except when they clone. You should try NOT to change your flow though in your tank, as that can trigger them to move (do this if you want to move them however).

They do sting some corals, just recently had to move a colt as my RBTA had killed one side of it as the RBTA is growing faster and needs more room. It doesn't hurt my flowerpot, zoos or mushrooms all around it otherwise though. Its tentacles are mostly away from those corals and rock however.

Good luck with one!
-Mike (Tank Info / Links / Pics shown below)
120G Reef with 2x250W MH lighting
My old 33G Reef with 192W PC lighting
Live Rock -
These tanks have some purchased liverock, but mostly home made live rock
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