In my 220g, I have an "Anemone Wall". It's in the back, just to the left of center. On it lives several large & small RBTAs, BTAs, LTAs, and purple tipped brown Sebae anemones.
(BTW, most of the purple tipped LTAs LFS sell are actually Sebae anemone & brown sebaes are the only ones that generally survive, not those beautiful white with pink tipped bleached out ones)
Knock on wood, but I have had fairly good success with keeping anemones with corals but I work at home & keep a very close eye on things in the tank, which most people can't do. I have a friend whose RBTA wandered all over his 175g bowfront, stinging & killing off several expensive corals.
I guess the ideal is to set up a species tank for anemones. Unfortunately, most of us are not in the position (or inclination) to do that. Second best would be, if you really want to mix anemones & corals, to put the anemone into a lightly stocked (coral-wise) reef tank & give it lots of space. Be very observant about its behaviour during the first couple of weeks because that's when its most likely going to move. I found that once my anemones found a spot they like, they are pretty good about staying put.
BTW, some of my anemones may expand to dinner plate size (12-14") so take that into consideration.