I agree with Delphinus.
I have two anemones in my tank right now. They don't move around much, not presently anyways. It looks as though they have found their "happy place". When they do move it's a bit frustrating.
When they move you have a few options.
1. Move the corals that the anemone decides to sit next to. It's not always that simple though. Some are attached to the rock and some might be glued in place.
2. Poke the anemone softly with some tubing or something until it moves away. However, if it wants to be in that spot due to water flow or lighting it will come back time and time again.
3. Barricade them with rocks. Which is not easily done.
I have noticed that some of my corals shrink up when touched by the anemones and others don't seem bothered at all. Right now I have a cluster of pulsing xenias sitting right beside my purple tip anemone and they seem just fine.
Keep in mind that anemones can get very large, mine have grown quite a bit since I got them. My purple tip is approx. 7 inches across right now, it was 3 six months ago.

230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge