Well, this has lasted a long time. Longer than the first thread. While I appreciate knowing a bit of what others think. Perhaps we should remind ourselves that it is just that. When somebody goes on a rant, it is usually because they are ticked off, and likely not exibiting much of a balanced perspective. And unfortunatly, we all tend to be more vocal when we have an axe to grind. So, posts can tend to lean on the crappy side of ranting if they were left going. I think it was great to see so many people post positive things. And although the thread needed to be pulled, I am thankful there were significantly more people posting positive comments. Way to go Calgary Club. It's rallying together and supporting our local stores that will see our hobby grow. And that's good for everybody.
72 gal bowfront reef. multiple zoos, ricordea, and tangs. 2X150 watt metal halide, 2X55 watt cp, and moonlights. 28 gal seahorse tank, with 1 pair of seahorses.