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Old 02-01-2007, 04:35 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 427
Moogled is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Tarolisol View Post
I cant belive i missed the post serves me right for going to work. But for the most part I am always greeted going into elite and golds. Well it depends whos working at golds, but for the most part i am greeted.

Both stores go out of their ways to help customers.

Colby goes out of his way every week to bring in crickets for me, yes crickets at a fish store. He is the only person working in the store, im sure he works alot harder then some of the people who shop at the store, and it can get pretty busy in there.

This forum is for hobby information not for vender reviews. You either shop there or you dont, thats enough said.

Soon enough someone will be made an example of for starting these threads, and it wont be me.

end rant....
...Duuuuude I can't believe you broke the streak of nonsense talk!
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