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Old 01-31-2007, 04:38 AM
Richard_Dicosimo Richard_Dicosimo is offline
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it wasn't very nice?
i simply asked if i had been going in on the wrong days.
hey you know what? I enjoy going to all the fish stores around town, the people are friendly the fish are nice to look at as well as the corals.

is it my fault that you don't take the dead fish out of your tank and i posted about it?
hey how about saying HI when a potential customer comes in, i came in one day and you looked at me as though i was there to inconvenience you. and every other time i have come in i have not been greeted.

i simply posted to see what other customers thought of your store, and maybe see if there were good days to go.

I enjoy Golds more than any of the other stores in town because the people there are friendly and they greet you and chit chat no matter how busy they are. as well if you think that I am the only person on the board that enjoys being greeted you are wrong. i understand that all fish stores will have dead fish and corals in their tanks from time to time. but come on how long does it take to take a couple dead fish out ESPECIALLY when you have as many in your tanks as you do at least one dead fish for every 2 tanks!


why was the thread deleted last night? and why did i not receive an email or pm, in case i was breaking some forum rules it would be nice to be informed of my mis-compliance. if anyone knows?
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