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Old 01-31-2007, 02:52 AM
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little_c little_c is offline
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little_c is on a distinguished road
Default Thank you from Elite Aquatics

I want to thank everyone for the support they showed in that thread last night. Its really great to have you guys as my guests and I really appreciate the patience as this has been a HUGE endeavour and not without delays and complications. Its nice to hear people realize that I suffer all the problems everyone else does with a tank times several hundred tanks. Add a dry stock section and invite the public daily and it becomes a little more work.

I was nice to hear some people voice that I've still got a ways to go to be what this shop can be. A swift kick is good for motivation sometimes.

You guys rule. Anything you need, let me know.

I especially want to thank Richard for starting the thread. Thanks man.

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