You've named a couple of corals there that might eat different foods.
Either way Reef_refresh is not needed as is is more a water/food system. Maybe once you research it some more you may want to go with Reef-refresh but it's not something I would recomend jumping into with out more information (don't let someone tell you you need it)
Typically coral eat 2 things Phytoplankton and Zooplankton. Phyto is Veg and Zoo is meat.
So in your list Xenia, Kenya tree, polyps and Mushrooms are Vegetarians so they require phytoplakton. While the others are meat eaters and require a meat source. Reef-riods is a meat source but so is mysis shrimp and other things you feed your fish. Things like the brain and Bubble have large enough mouths to get occational spot feedings of chopped up seafood.
Hope this helps