Thread: numb arm
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Old 01-28-2007, 06:44 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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The mention of mushroom was that the mushroom rock was moved on top of a "new" piece of rock. Who knows what was or is in that rock, it could have been anything. If in doubt I'd go to the hospital, you may not know you are allergic to something until it's on your tomb stone. My advice is not to take chances. Gloves are a great idea, I'll be picking up a pair before I start aquascaping my new tank. We see fire worms, fire coral, we see all sorts of life that has violent defensive mechanisms.
Glad the person who initiated the post is fine, sad to hear about other peoples experiences though. Myself I'm allergic to bee stings and a wasp sting last summer left me with a hockey puck size black messy crater in my chest, after an evening in the hospital the Doc says, don't mess around, carry the kit and use it if you need. I always thought, oh if I get stung I'll just head to the hospital but reactions get worse after each one not better.

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