Originally Posted by X-Treme
Just for curiosity.......... what is everyone using.... or what does everyone think is the best all around salt?
Oh god you didn't just ask this did you....here we go
I think they are all much the same. I've used Instant Ocean reg and reef crystals, tropic, Oceanic, Kent, A few others i cannot seem to find in Canada anymore. Currently I use OceanPure Pro simply because I needed a batch of salt and forgot to order from my supplier. It tests quite well on par with others, better than some, worse than others. I think for salt unless you get a "BAD" batch it's mostly the same. There are few higher grade "scientific" brands out there that seem to be used by a few institution type places, but when you learn that a few huge aquariums and research places (when not using real ocean water) use the likes of instant ocean its hard to justify the nearly double cost of them. I would say use the stuff you get the best deal on, without buying the cheapy stuff because there is a slight difference. Everyone always argues this has 2% more of this or 5% less of that blah blah. But most of these tests are based on someone who is stubbornly claiming what they use is the best and they lack the equipment to do REAL testing, since most test kits we purchase can be proven to read diffrently on the same samples. I found small things like time it takes to mix fully, how well it stores if i leave it open by accident, what kind of sedimentation is left over if a leave it for awhile etc are little things that keep me using a brand. When world renowned scientists admit they are unsure of the makeup of natural seawater (what exactly is in it) i find it hard to believe the "chemists" at the salt places do either.

That being said majority of people i've seen use instant ocean reg or reef crystals soley for the fact (imo) it's so readily available and good deals on it are usually had.