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Old 01-25-2007, 05:03 AM
Saber Saber is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Cloverdale
Posts: 8
Saber is on a distinguished road

That is the place. I contacted them today. I inquired about Magflake(Dead Sea Works, Dowflake(Dow Chemical), Sodium Bicarbonate USP #1 pharmaceutical grade, and Calcium Hydroxide for those that drip kalk. They have to be special ordered and paid for in advance. Takes about 1-1.5 weeks to get it in. All sold in 22.7 KG bags. I don't have the price sheet in front of me for these products, but they range from $36-$46 per bag.

I am still waiting for a product sheet on the CaOH as the sales person I talked to wouldn't commit to it being a food grade product as that compound is not normally graded that way. I got the impression though from the nature of our conversation that this is not a Home Depot type product for lack of a better term. (ie: it is somewhat more pure). Sure would like to know how the guy in Calgary got it direct from Univar as it would make life a whole lot easier, not to mention the price drops about 20% or more buying it direct. But I talked to 3 differnt sales people over the last three days and they are all adamant that they must sell through a licenced chemist/chemical company.
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