Ah - so would I use a hard PVC piece or something flexible like what's attached here:
I'm assuming the plastic piece sticking out would be glued in - using silicone or epoxy? I'm going to visit targaboy's setup, so it might all be answered there.
As for sizing, here's some pics with measurements:
Overflow tubing:
Bulkhead outflow tubing:
Full sump setup:
Skimmer with acrylic box (unfortunately it's too "wide"...) - I'm not sure how to set it into the tank so I can have it on the left, with the refugium portion in the middle, and then the return area on the far right.
So, to sum it up:
- Left hand side, skimmer flush to the left side
- Middle portion, refugium
- Far right - return pump
I've got egg crate, but due to the costs I've spent already, I REALLY want to keep it down as much as possible....
Thoughts? ^_^