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Old 01-24-2007, 08:17 PM
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Question Setting up my sump - need a bit of help!

Hi all - Just getting everything ready for my sump, I'm just trying to find the last few parts to get things up and going. I have my overflow now, and the sump, along with the skimmer (a Tunze Turbelle 220.05a, it's a classic DOC model) - I just need a few final little things to get this up and going!

Firstly - I need to get the appropriate tubing for the overflow to the sump, and then from the sump back to the overflow. Here's a picture of the overflow with the line out - Chaloupa mentioned that it was a simple pond tubing - but heaven knows I can't find anything ANYWHERE that would fit:

And here's the bulkhead going out from the sump:

And here's a better picture for comparison sake:

Not sure if that helps - I know thanks to the wonderful person that sold me the system (Thanks Seahorse_Fanatic!! ) that I need larger going down, smaller up - Just with our distance, it's been tough to connect. I don't want water flowing everywhere and I'm.... confused

Lastly, the Tunze DOC skimmer looks rockin', and I can't wait to get it going. As you can see in the pic, it's in a plexiglass "box" - I have everything hooked up with the skimmer, but since I don't have a manual I've no idea how to properly add it into the sump - what's the right level? Does it sit in this box and do I leave it at the bottom? What if water is covering the whole thing?

SO many questions, I know - but I really appreciate the help - as always. Can't wait to get this going and help create more water volume to get this baby going smashingly!
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