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Old 01-22-2007, 08:09 PM
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Default Dwarf/Flame/Pygmy angel - Size/Tank Requirements

Hey there all - I may be changing around what I have in my tank as my sailfin outgrows the 44g cube - and I've been trying to hem and haw what I want to get.

I've heard a lot of comments on the above mentioned angels, and the fact that the pics have shown these GORGEOUS little creatures really makes me interested in these as potential tank mates. However, I want to ensure they've got enough room to move in the tank.

Outside of the Tang, I have:

3x Blue Chromis
2x Clarkii Clowns
1x Leopard Wrasse
1x Mandarin Goby

Random inverts/snails, etc.

I know a large concern is their ability to nip at corals, so that's obviously something I need to think about.

My main concern is load on the tank, and ability for the angel to swim. There is a lot of open area in the front, and a lot of rockwork for hiding in the back (sucks for cleaning the tank, sigh, but great for the fishies)



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