Hmmmm....All levels actually look pretty good. It still wouldn't hurt to get your LFS or a friend to test your water just for comparisons sake. Phosphates is a really hard one to test for unless you have a lab grade test device that tests for both organic an nonorganic PO4. Quite often you will get a 0 reading because the algea is consuming it all and "thriving"
I would replace the 2 10mo old bulbs as they are definately at the end of their life - this may help.
Also cut way back on feeding - continue with your water changes and maybe even jump it up to once a week if you can.
Your tank is still fairly new and could just be going through the normal process of finding a balance with the nutrient export/processing. I know you moved things from a 75g but if you added new rock/livestock it has to find that balance all over again.
You might also try running some carbon either passively or in a canister filter. Use a good brand of carbon and change it out every week. Do you have any foam anywhere? If you do I would suggest either rinsing it thoughly every day or just ditching it altogether.