Well the fact that you have red slime (probably cyano) and a sick fish indicates that something is off somewhere.
Can you post all of your readings - ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, calcium, alk/dkh, magnesium and Phosphates. You may want to take a water sample into a LFS to test just to compare readings.
What brand of test kit are you using? Are they old or new? How about your lighting - old bulb?
It may be totally unrelated to the sick fish but the cyano is finding nutrients to feed on or it wouldn't be there. You said you have cut back on feeding and I would like to suggest you cut back LOTS unless you have some sensitive fish that requires frequent feeding. In most cases you are just fine feeding your tank every 2 to 3 days (unless like I said you have some fish that are delicate)
You may want to try Chemiclean or red slime remover (I have never used the RSR) as they do seem to work as long as you follow the directions. This will get rid of the red slime but unless you find out where it is getting the nutrients/phosphates to feed off of it will just come back again..
I have never had a fish sick the way you describe in your other thread however you cannot hurt it by, as suggested raising the temperature, and finding out what the problem is with your water.
Good luck and HTH.