Prodogg, glad you were ok!
I would agree if anyone has serious pains or swelling, safest bet is to head to the ER, but, I would keep in mind allergies, and the massive spectrum of toxins and chemicals we are exposed to in our tanks! For example, personally, I've never had any rash or any swelling at all etc... from dealing with SW. The worst I've ever had was itchyness for a few mins after being scrathed hard enough to break the skin, or with sharp spiny stuff. I've touched many anemones and of different species as well, black sponge, tons of corals, etc... I can even pick up bristleworms. With the big ones I get spines in the fingers causing a slight 'poke' feeling, but I just wash my hands off or pull them out, but no reactions at all. But again as I think EmilyB mentioned, some people are alergic even to just SW.
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!