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Old 01-18-2007, 04:41 PM
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Delphinus Delphinus is offline
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Thanks Sarah. Are they reputed as more difficult? That's not been my experience so far. This one here is actually my second. My first perished in a .. "tragic anemone-moving accident" I guess I'll call it (before I realized how easily my ritteri can kill off an entire tank of fish just because it's annoyed). ). She was the best little fish, and I was impressed at how clever she was. She would act like a tang near a tank, act like a blenny near a blenny... and basically steal their food when they weren't looking. As long as any other fish likes a particular piece of food, she'll notice that and after that I'll never have a problem feeding her that particular kind of food. Nori, flake, pellets, mysis, etc.

This one I got from Willito a few months ago. Was quite timid at first and got bullied by my 6line wrasse. I tried catching my 6line (there was a thread about that escapade). But after a few weeks she was settled in and not being bullied anymore, and she's grown quite a bit since then. Same deal as my first one, I noticed she observes things and then modifies her behaviour accordingly.

Anyhow sorry for the rambling!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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