your dimming curve setting - for what is it good for? Now you have 2 times switching on the lamp - that means 2x stress for the relay. I would recommend to alter it again to the first settings.
Quick solution for the moment until the digital powerbar is vailable: An easy way to reduce the inrush-current is to raise up the electric resistance - eg insert a long extension cord between powerbar and lamp. Should be no problem since the average current (after inrush) is not very high.
@MNSPS + Psyire:
You can connect two tunze cables to one port when you use a Y-adapter. If both pumps should be controlled separately the cables must be different: Tunz1 and Tunze2
Or you connect one cable to one port (L1L2) and the other cable to the other port(L3L4) - then both pumps are contollable separately anyway - doesn't matter if tunze1 or 2. But then both ports are occupied for just 2 pumps.
Any 1-10V-port has 2 channels
Tunze1 means: react on first of both channels of one port (L1 or L3)
Tunze2 means: react on secondof both channels of one port (L2 or L4)