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Old 01-18-2007, 01:03 AM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: North Edmonton
Posts: 3,560
Beverly is on a distinguished road

Wow! Nice tank, Marie How long had it been running at the time of the photos?

Moogled said:
In light of that, would superior experience itself play a larger role in maintaining a tank than all the reef tank add-ons which ultimately make the maintenance tasks easier?
We've been reefing for the last 8-9 years and currently have a 120g - no sumps, no skimmers, or refugiums in any of the many tanks we've had over the years. Currently our most sophisticated pieces of equipment are a pH probe and digital pH readout thingy, a refractometer and, haha, a turkey baster, not to mention alk/Ca/Mg test kits and chemicals. While I'd like to go
larger our condo just doesn't have the space for it, but I'd do the larger tank the same way we've done all the others. Costs are less for equipment, but there's a bit more elbow grease involved, which I don't mind.

Experience in this hobby makes a huge difference, IMO. I know in our first reef, we never tested for alk, Ca or Mg. I'm surprised the tank did so well with such terrible chemistry neglect. Now that I've been keeping a log of the uptake of alk, Ca and Mg for the past year or so, I can adjust the chemistry in the 120g without having to test so often.

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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