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Old 01-16-2007, 07:35 PM
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howdy20012002 howdy20012002 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
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howdy20012002 is on a distinguished road

Step 6
the next step is to finish off the top of the denitrator
To do this you need to take the remaining airline (you need about 6 inches extra) and push it up throught the valve that you drilled out and up through to the top of the cap with about 3 or 4 inches outside the top of the cap.
Then using PVC glue, glue the top cap onto the 3 foot 3 inch PVC.
you have now completed the Denitrator.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 01-20-2010 at 03:02 AM.
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