Step 3
I used a more rigid airline so that I could have more control of where it was going. You could probably use a more flexible airhose if you wanted. However, I was concerned that by using a more flexible airhose, it would just all end up in the bottom of the tube and not spread out along the entire length of the pvc pipe.
Apparently from what I have read on the net, it is recommended that you have 75 + feet of airline for the oxygen to be removed from the water.
therefore, I bought 3 x 25 feet pieces of the 1/4 inch airline and connected them together using the quick connect unions.
I then duct taped one end of the airhose to the 4 foot piece of 1.5 inch PVC.
I then started to wrap it around the pvc pipe, until I had the 75 feet of airline wrapped around the 1.5 inch PVC.
once done, I taped the other end to the pipe so that I could let go and it wouldn't all unwrap. I then let this be for a few days so that the airline would actually form to the shaped that I wanted, which is just slightly smaller than the inside diameter of the 3 foot long 3 inch PVC pipe.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
Last edited by howdy20012002; 01-20-2010 at 03:02 AM.