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Old 01-16-2007, 03:24 PM
kbd635 kbd635 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Prince George. BC
Posts: 16
kbd635 is on a distinguished road

The Bow fronted tank is the new one (Jewel Trigon 350) and the other gray based one was a corner tank that I made myself. The base was MDF on 3" x x3" Framing (OH wanted to decorate and it was the wrong colour, so she told me to get a new one! WOOHOO!)
I got the Trigon as I liked the bowfront corner idea and it made all my little frags look HUGE! lol
Sump in the bottom (not bringing with me, as I'll make another over in BC)
I had a good stock, but I want to get better lighting - T8's & T5's in just now - but I'd like to keep a lid on it as OH doesn't like the brightness that open top MH lighting does. Not toooo sure what I'm going to do about that!
Anyway, thanks again for the welcomes and I hope to be posting on here for some time to come!
Jeez! I miss my tank!
Trigon 350 with sump.
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