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Old 01-16-2007, 01:11 AM
JOSH JOSH is offline
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Default t5 lighting and xp1 modded canister, pumps ect

i have brand new glo T5 HO lighting 24" with 2 24watt bulbs one power glo and one marine glo cant find a link to info on it but its really nice and has arms so it can sit on tanks larger then 24"

also have an XP1 canister filter with a elite 50 watt submersible heater installed inside (custom drilled and silicone)


quietone 3000 pump new $50

mini 90gph pump $10

2- 3/4 bulkheads $20

also have floating magnet aglea cleaner, other scrapers, test kits available

Last edited by JOSH; 01-16-2007 at 11:37 PM.
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