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Old 01-14-2007, 06:00 PM
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andestang andestang is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Okotoks
Posts: 1,053
andestang is on a distinguished road

Very sad to hear Ruth , I can relate to your wanting to give up. Just awhile ago I lost just about everything, some fish I've had for several years and all my corals. needless to say the $$$$ that was spent and the guilt from feeling responsible. But after some encouragement from fellow reefers and that little voice in the back of my mind I continued on. So after somemore $$$$ and growing new attachments to some new fish/coral I'm really glad I continued on. So keep your chin up and listen to your fellow reefers Lots of support here. (still waiting to get my corals shipped )

150g reef, 55g sump, T5's, Vertech 200A, Profilux III - German made is highly over rated, should just say Gerpan made.

Reefkeeper - individual obsessed with placing disturbing amounts of electricity and seawater in close proximity for the purpose of maintaining live coral reef organisms.
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