First off a bit of background, I have a 175g that has been set up since march. Originally it was going to be lps dominant but I couldn't resist getting a regal angel that found lps corals very tasty, so now it is mostly sps corals (which the rotten fish has decided to pick at as well

The problem is, for the last 4 months I haven't been able to keep up with the calcium demand. I have a precision marine calcium reactor (the small one, good for up to 200g) that is now wide open (gravity fed with a 12ft drop) and I am dosing saturated limewater 24/7, as much to keep my ph above 8.0 as to add calcium. A week ago my cal/alk started to drop again.
I didn't really think my tank was fully stocked yet, how does everybody keep up with the calcium demand on tanks that are packed with sps corals?? It's really becoming annoying trying to keep up. Just when I think I have it stabilized, the cal starts to slowly drop again

Should I be looking at a bigger calcium reactor? I just had this one hooked up in aug, I hate to have to tell my husband it's too small already
*edit* Sorry for babbling

I felt a need to vent as well as ask questions