I have smaller versions of this combo and its great! I have a 65 with a 6" Green Spotted Puffer, 4.5" Valentini, and a 4" Dwarf Lion Fish...As well as a Flame Angel and Blue Green Chromis. They all get along well but I knew the personalities of the fish before I put them together. Thats the key with Puffers, as they are generally aggressive but you can, as I have, find some which are more passive. I have had the GSP for about two years. He was acclimated from brackish to marine over a year and a half. The Valentini took a while to pick out because I was looking for one who the store had for a while and knew was not nipping fins. I also watched him eat and he was quite passive, perfect for my situation! The Lion just basically ignores the Puffers all together! Hes so cool, just lounging around and hanging upside down on rocks! I was worried about the puffers nipping him but they just ignore him too. The most aggressive fish is the Flame Angel, which doesn't bite but chases its tankmates if they come near its cave!
I have had a Porc before but never with tankmates, so I can't comment on them with other puffers or lions. The porc I speak of is now a family fish at my parents house.
Hope that helps in some way...
Oh, I think the three would work very well together in a 200G, maybe a bit bigger though.