Thread: small puffers?
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Old 01-14-2007, 01:33 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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I have kept several different Puffers for quite a few years now. There are no Puffers suitable for a 10G except freshwater dwarf puffers. 20G isn't really any better! You need a 30G for a Valentini. I currently have a 65G FOWLR with a Green Spotted Puffer (who spent a year and a half in light brackish, high end brackish and finally marine, a 6 month old GSP should NOT be in marine conditions!), Valentini Puffer, Blue green chromis, Dwarf Lion fish, and Flame Angel. There have been no aggression problems what so ever BUT it all depends on your fish. I have another GSP's that could never have tankmates, it would rip them apart, he is on a 40G, alone. And a 40G is pushing it, as he is just about 6 inches and very thick. My Valentini is about 4.5 inches and also very timid. I would say, the most aggressive fish in the tank is the Flame Angel.

Puffers are very entertaining and fun but you need perfect water conditions and a small tank cannot handle their bio load. Most peoples advice in this thread was right on though and you would do well following it!

Just some thoughts and experiences on Puffers!

Good Luck!
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