Its gotten much better here now, haha, it was only... what... 15 below today? The cold or snow doesnt bother me at all, just the wind!
Some people really need to learn to drive... on the way to coffee with a friend the other night, I spotted a car northbound on the west side of the road sitting perfectly flat ontop of the large snowbanks... there was a flatbed truck backed up to the front of the car to winch it right off the snowbank and onto the truck, it was only a foot lower than the bed!

And people passing me(40-45km/h) with the SUV while they go above 60 down roads with ice ridges tossing my car and even the busses around... I thought they were nuts! Saw a guy driving right in the middle of the road today too... heading right for me in the left lane... scared the beejeesus out of me!
P.S. Sorry for the driving rant!