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Old 01-12-2007, 08:18 PM
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Fugu Fugu is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Victoria B.C
Posts: 37
Fugu is on a distinguished road

nice tank m'man

Its okay to keep a fish like that in a smaller tank for a while I beleeve,no biggie.But you MUST do your waterchanges regularly!!! its alot of bioload! I knew a guy who had 3 damsels in a 3g and they where fine.But just keep it in mind that you will need to move them when the time comes.

I heard somwhere that BTA's dont need any light,I think I heard that on TGVAS but I cant remember.I could be thinking of the wrong anem.

man thats a nice worm,where did you get it?It musta cost a fortune!SW stuff is expencive in victoria haha

"Well that brings up an interesting philosophical question.Is it okay to snitch to the police,on the police."-Rhily Freeman
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