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Old 01-12-2007, 04:20 PM
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Didn't get a chance to test with the other test kit, by the time I got around to the testing I had only a few minutes before the tank lights turned off, and the (as yet undeveloped) basement is too dark at night without the tanks on. You're absolutely correct though in that I need to do both testkits at once and do a side-by-side comparison to try to makes heads or tails of this.

What's weird though is that my nitrate/nitrite litmus test strips that I was using previously to tell if there was nitrite or not, are not registering any nitrate or nitrite, three tests in a row now where a strip has been dipped and there's been no colour change on it. It is an old set of test strips though, so more than likely the explanation for this one is they finally hit their expiration and I should just toss the rest.

I should be doing the testing at high noon and comparing the test tube colours outside in full sun. I bet then I'll get some lower #'s!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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