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Old 01-11-2007, 05:20 AM
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Der_Iron_Chef Der_Iron_Chef is offline
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Diana---my sea hare is a BEAST. I had a distressing amount of hair algae, random other macro algaes, and cyano. The sea hare ate it several days. I was bamboozled.

I'm considering pimping it out to other reefers now though, to quote G1GY! Not sure I have enough algae to support him anymore.

Wonder if a few Calgarians would want to borrow him for a while....hmmm. But that's for another thread

10G Nano * 10G Sump * Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer * JBL Viper 150w MH * Zeovit * Vortech MP40W

Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ~S. Ertz

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