Thread: New Tank 250gal
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Old 01-08-2007, 07:43 PM
Richard_Dicosimo Richard_Dicosimo is offline
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the sohal loves the 9' length hes always ripping back and forth nibbling on the rock.

yeah that monti did change color a bit, But the metal halide above it there is sitting at an angle and reflecting off of the wall a bit giving a yellow color. i plan on changing my metal halide reflectors to fix it and give me more room in my canopy. and i want to put a bunch of t5's under there but i dont have the room right now, so thats a plan for the near future.

the last couple pics i posted there i took with my new Macro lens and WOW does that lens ever make having the tank that much more fun!!! and my ratio of good pics to garbage ones has increased dramatically.

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