Thanks for the replies. I'll keep an eye on him. As far as dosing goes, I dose 1/2 cup of each every day and test once a week.
Parameters are: Ph=8.4 , Alk=9.7dKH/3.46 meq/L , Ca=380 , Mg=1380
Every time I do water changes (20% monthly), the levels go back down again. Thats the reason behind dosing daily.
90 gal. FOWLR, 25 gal. Sump/Refugium with Chaeto Macro, 60lbs. Live Rock, Q.O. 6000 Return Pump, Wavysea Wavemaker, Aqua C Urchin Skimmer, 2-VHO (1-super actinic blue, 1- actinic white), Icecap 660 Ballast, Auto Top Off System, 2 Clownfish, 1 Brittle Star, 20 Hermit Crabs, 7 Small Mushroom Frags (attempting a mixed reef).
Last edited by MDG3; 01-06-2007 at 03:33 PM.