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Old 01-06-2007, 12:55 AM
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craignlisa craignlisa is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 12
craignlisa is on a distinguished road

If it was translucent green then it was bleached when you bought it. The deeper green is it's zooenthelle coming back which is a good thing for it but maybe not you Although that does mean you are doing something rightI feed my healthy anemones twice a week. They have gotten alot bigger but are great colours and mine are under 12 39 watt high output t5's. The last lta i got was a very translucent pink colour and within a month of good feeding it is now a deep burgandy colour like the other one.
130 gallon,20 gallon sump, 12,39 watt t5's in custom hood. naso tang,,pair of saddleback clowns, pair of true percs, 4 anthias,6 blue chromis, coral beauty, potters angel, keyhole angel,royal gramma,sixline wrasse,cleaner wrasse; and my new gorgeous and eating wonderfully regal angel,2 purple lta's and ,lots of softies and looking to upgrade the corals
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