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Old 01-06-2007, 12:10 AM
Chaotic Cricket Chaotic Cricket is offline
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Chaotic Cricket is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by RicePaddy View Post
I purchased a GBTA about two months ago. When I purchased her she was a beautiful translucent green. As time goes on she seems to be becoming a darker green. I feed her once very two to three days chunks of fresh shrimp from the local grocer. I currently have a PC that is 4x65 watts.

1) Is this normal?

2) If I had better light, ie MH say 2x150 with 2x54 T5's would it turn back to that lovely translucent green?

Any advise and experiences would be greatly apreicated.

What is the depth of your tank? I have a few GBTA in my tank (two little ones that split from the big one) The little ones never colored up like the big guy. I would say though just from what i've read that its 50/50 on keeping it healthy with PC's, although anenomes have to be one of the most fickle things we can keep in our tanks (which is why i gave up on my carpet anenomes, beautiful but to much work to care for it specifically, though i will try again one day) I have also noticed at least from my anenomes (the big one is now 4 ears old going on five) that PH swings, Salinity swings, and lack of trace elements all effected its color. I would hold off on dosing if you don't though untl you read up on it and can test for what you dose with. Usually salt will give you what replacements you need, but not always. If i can find where i put my anemone links I will post them for you. BTW I have had my mother anenome under PC's,T5's, MH (10k, 14k, 20k - 150watt, 250 watt, 400 watt, and a brief and ill-advised try with a friends 1000watt setup..) I got nice color with the 400's and 250's, the 150's are where i settled due to oter things i wanted in the tank, and getting out of sps corals. With the 150's (with a bit of t5 actinic add-on) the big fella seems to be doing quite well, the little ones not so colorful.

Last edited by Chaotic Cricket; 01-06-2007 at 12:16 AM.
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