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Old 01-05-2007, 10:01 PM
Keana Keana is offline
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Default AquaSafe Warning!

First let me start off by saying that the water filters they sell are very good and come at a very good price. That said........

If your system comes damaged you may not get a replacement or resolution. I got my new system from them about a month ago. When it arrived the water tank was damaged. UPS must have dropped it or something. I took pictures of the damage and emailed them to AquaSafe, asking what I should do. They said that I should use the tank.

I don't want to use a damaged tank.. I paid $150 for something new and undamaged and that is what I want. UPS has a claims process where they will take care of all this. However it is AquaSafe that will get any refund, not the buyer. AquaSafe refuses to file any UPS claims. They will not handle any damaged claims, they simply refuse. Ihave several emails from Ed of AquaSafe where he says that they never file damage claims and simply expect people to use the damaged water tanks.

This is a warning about there very poor business practices and the way they ship. UPS claims that the damage may come from the way AquaSafe packaged the tank. They use no bubble wrap, simply a metal tank in a box. Just know that when you order you need to pray that nothing happens to your packages or you will most likely be left with a damaged system and no way of getting satisfaction. If you buy from them on eBay you are more likely to get fair treatment because the public feedback system is in place. I would suggest that anyone that buys from them should do it from eBay and read their feedbacks. They have many many "Neutral" feedbacks and many that were removed. Many comments in their feedback point to the problems I have experienced with them. I will never be buying from them again, no matter how cheep the system.

That said.... The system produces lots of cheep water.
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