Originally Posted by BMW Rider
Well, I just looked it up in my accounting software and since setting up my first reef tank three years ago I've spent about $20K
Of course I'm addicted to expensive toys and upgrades.
I have spent at least that as well, but I don't smoke or drink or do drugs so my money has to go somewhere. I can't really afford it but I also can't afford not to do it. I find this hobby extremely rewarding, (and at times extremely frustrating) so it is hard to attach a price-tag to both the enjoyment and mood swings it creates. When it's going well I love it and when it's going bad, I hate it, but I still love it.
If I could start over with the knowledge I have gained it would cost a lot less. The school of "hard knocks" has an expensive tuition.
I found out that spending the extra and doing it right the first time costs far less than cutting corners trying to save a buck or two, and then eventually having to fix it to make it right anyway.