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Old 01-04-2007, 02:58 PM
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Jaws Jaws is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Victoria
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Jaws is on a distinguished road

I've been kinda wondering the same thing lately. I'm on the third story of a two year old condo. I've got my 180G tank with 70G sump running parallel with a load baring wall that seperates my suite with my neighbour. The tank sits perpindicular to the floor joists and is about 4 feet away from the wall that seperates my suite from outside. I'm sorry to hijack but my question is, I've built a 3 level rack that I've designed to hold a denitrification bucket, an auto-topoff, and a refugium. I figure the whole setup will weigh just under 1000lbs. I plan on putting it right in the corner in between my tank and the building's outer wall, still against the load baring wall my tank sits against. Because my tank is already so heavy and taking up a lot of room on the load baring wall, should I be concerned about adding the extra weight to the corner? Is the amount or weight relative to the entire load baring wall or is it really only relative to what each floor joist is calculated to hold? Thanks.
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