If you are following exactly the tutorials hints it should be possible to establish the connection. Till now we have several dozens of WLAN-Users, anyone got it running.
I wonder why you had connection with DeviceInstaller as mentioned in earlier posts - but now it seems DeviceInstaller does not find the device?
Important (this is mentioned in the tutorial):
1. The first connection (to do initial settings) must be done directly in any case, that means to establish an ad-hoc connection with the WLAN of your notebook, NOT with WLAN of a router or access point!! Then, if available, disconnect the LAN-interface of your notebook!! If there are several network interfaces available it could be possible that DeviceInstaller accesses the wrong one to search the PLM-WLAN.
2. Maybe you did some settings to the PLM-WLAN with the result it can't be found by your notebooks WLAN - in this case do the Reset WLAN to default
3. It is possible that another WLAN-device (router, another PC, ...) disturbes direct connection of PLM-WLAN to your notebooks WLAN -> deactivate any other WLAN-device!!
4.Firewall - sometimes a problem because DeviceInstaller must send broadcast messages to find any PLM-WLAN. Just deactivate the firewall for initial configuration!
After following these points DeviceInstaller should find the PLM-WLAN. If not - it may be possible that your notebooks WLAN-device is not compatible to PLM-WLAN. But - why did you have a connection before this?
I don't think this is a programming problem. When the LED is off the socket MUST be powerless. LED and switching relay are directly connected. And it seems your LED switches according to your programming.
Did you connect a heavy inductive load to this outlet (eg metal halide lamp)? In this case the fuse can't protect against damages and it might be possible that the relay has been damaged - then the contacts are not able to disconnect safely. You can test this:
When it again happens that the LED is off (LED off means control signal coming from ProfiLux is shut off) and the socket has power just knock onto the power bar. Do the contacts open?
And: Use another socket for the same task - does the socket power now follow your programming?
Good luck!