Click on the link for the catalogue to see their product & price list.
Please post on this thread what you want to order by quantity, item, and price.
I will create a running total posting so people can double check what they are ordering & the status of their order (ie. paid/unpaid).
I will leave this group buy open for 10 days or so, to give members a chance to decide what they want to order.
I will require pre-payment prior to ordering (in order to not be stuck with several unpaid units or filters). Sorry, but just applying lessons learned from past group buys.
My address is: 6745 Lakeview Ave, Burnaby, BC, V5E 2P6.
Members will only be paying the costs incurred, so if you want to Paypal (add 4.9%). If prompt payment is a problem, please pm me with your contact info & we will discuss it.
As soon as I have the money organized, then the group order will be sent to AquaSafe & in the past, they have been very prompt at shipping out the units & parts.
We have organized several group buys in the past from AquaSafe & it is a reputable company to deal with (for those with concerns).
Note: I am only organizing this group buy as a favour to some people who asked me to & I actually don't need to order anything myself nor will I be profiting in any way, so let's please keep this group buy as sweet & simple as possible.