Thread: Water Clarity
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Old 01-01-2007, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by littlesilvermax View Post
Ozone, ozone ozone.

One you use it you won't go back.
IIRC Glenn is just starting out in salt water. For ozone to work it is a fairly big investment plus you either have to have a skimmer that you can run it through (more $$ as not every skimmer will accept ozone) or some other piece of equipment (again $$$) plus ozone still scares the crap out of me and I've been doing this a year or two

I don't know if Gold's or some other place carries the "socks" but there was someone on this board that had a whole whack of them for sale a while ago. Don't know if he still has any left but you might try a search on here or on one of our sponsors sites.
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