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Old 12-30-2006, 04:39 AM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Coquitlam, BC
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In my humble opinion... okay maybe I should say the way I see it, a lot depends on how you distribute the weight. If you have the tank on a home made stand that has 4 1x4s as legs with nothing else supporting the weight you would want those legs to be on the supports under the floor rather than on a space between supports (trusses? maybe). If you have your legs in the 90 degree angle style... um like this "L" then you effectively cut the lbs per sq inch in half... (I think). If you build a stand that runs the legs down in the L patern then those are attached to more 1x4 or better yet 2x4 that run the length and width of the tank, with some 3/4 inch ply under them your weight is spread out over a very large area and I believe it would be supported in almost all situations. I'm not an engineer, I just remember the old analagy of a woman in a stilletto on your chest vs a sheet of plywood with some concrete on your chest the plywood wouldn't be as attractive but would be a lot more tollerable.

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