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Old 12-30-2006, 03:11 AM
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Default AquaSafe RODI Setup Q's

Hi all,

Got this unit thanks to Seahorse_Fanatic the other day and I'm just about figured out all the different parts - I'm going to be going the faucet adapter route from J&L or Home Depot, but the question is in regards to the equipment I currently have and what I might need to get things working properly.

The unit I have seems to be set up to allow the bypass of the "taste" OR to go through and use it for water. I don't know if I have all the connects and I really don't want to hook it up and spill water all across my bathroom. It wouldn't be the first time, but I'd just rather not

Can you see from this setup what I'd need to get as far as equipment other than the faucet adapter?

I do not plan on affixing it under the sink, I will run the waste tube into the sink drain in the bathroom.

Here's two pictures - first is the unit, second is the hoses I currently have:

Thanks in advance!!!

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